FVA Supported Women cooperatives with Energy Clean Cooking Stoves

Nov 22 , 2017

FVA Distributed to women smallholder farmers with energy saving Cooking stoves and trained them on how to use them .the activity was conducted in order to reduce the time women spend on collection of firewood, where FVA distributed 378 stoves to them (185 in Nyanza, 123 in Musanze and 70 stoves in Ruheru).

The women benefited from these cooking stoves will facilitate them to ensure
  cleaner cooking
  Reduced indoor air pollution
  protected the environment ( reduce the quantity of firewood )
Those cooking stoves came with a supplementary cooking device called the wonder box which help food to keep boiling (This wonder box is able to retain maximum heat for about three hours .)
Those cooking stoves helped families to eat warm food at any time

Women smallholder farmers appreciated these cooking stoves where some of them testified the benefit and the happiness they have after using those energy saving stoves
  Rural women are now very happy as those cooking stoves contributed a lot to the reduction of time they were spending during collection of firewood as one of the activities that were consuming much of their time
  the testimonies from families used those stove said that before using them they used to collect firewood 2 time per day , but now , they collect firewood only 3 times per week .

“UWAMAHORO Beltilde , a POWER Project Beneficiary in Muko Sector said “ These energy saving cooking stove received , helped me to improve the hygiene of my Family and reduced time used during cooking and also reduce quantity of firewood ”

“MUKACYUBAHIRO Bonifrida from Ruheru said “using energy cooking stove have been given enabled her to save over 4 hours per day”

“As it is easy to cook by using this stoves, now men are enjoying cooking also , they help their wives in cooking , this changed their mindset said by KANAKUZE Erriane from DUSHYIGIKIRANE group”

This activity was implemented under Promoting opportunities for Women Empowerment and rights (POWER Project ) funded by Action Aid in the districts of Nyanza, Musanze and Nyaruguru, the project aims at increasing women’s income through practicing CRSA techniques, better access to markets and recognizing, redistributing and reducing women’s unpaid care work.

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